Friday, November 26, 2021


 Yesterday at lunch time we played a sport called kilikiti.
Kilikiti is a Samoan version of cricket.
These are the things we used to play and the rules.
So we used 2 bats. One bat was called a lapapa which is made out of wood.
The second bat is just a normal bat used for normal cricket.
We also used 2 wickets unlike cricket they use one.
The rules are, you have to be holding the lapapa with 2 hands and you cant be holding it with one hand or you're out.
You have to have the bat on your shoulders when it isnt your turn.
You cant go out of the pitch or you're out.
So here are some photos of me and my class playing kilikiti.


 Yesterday we did cooking with our cooking teacher Ms. Wallis. We were cooking pizza which was a cool experience. Making the dough wasn't hard at all. For the toppings we had: Bacon, mushrooms, cheese and onion.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


 Today we had swimming after a long time in lockdown and out of school. It was a cool day playing in the pool and learning a new game in the pool called ship and then we played tag with the foam sticks. We had around 8 people swimming today. We still had to social distance in the pool, but other than that it was a hot sunny day but it was refreshing to play in the cold pool.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Brain Break Game

 Today we played a brain break game.
The game involved: Cups, Forks and straws. It was kind of like a relay race.
The point of the game was to speed walk to the tables where Ms Mundy set up the cups, straws and forks.
Get the straws on the points of the fork without touching the straws and we could only use one hand.
Next we had to get the forks with the straws on it, inside of the cups without the straws falling off